is very useful and easy to use.
Some examples are showing here.
Fig. 1: Example contour illustrating axis labels and colorbar.
The command to produce this contour is,
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, /cbar
where input (two dimensional array), xaxis (one dimensional array), and yaxis (one dimensional array) were IDL variables.
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, /cbar
where input (two dimensional array), xaxis (one dimensional array), and yaxis (one dimensional array) were IDL variables.
The command to produce this contour is,
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, overp=opinput
where opinput is a two dimensional array. The array to be overplotted should have the same scaling with the x and y axes as the main contour so that a sensible output results.
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, overp=opinput
where opinput is a two dimensional array. The array to be overplotted should have the same scaling with the x and y axes as the main contour so that a sensible output results.
1 comment:
ClickStrip Software for Windows® is the low cost way to begin using time-saving filing techniques such as color coding and shelf filing
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