2001/148 - 05/28 at 17 :59 UTC

Lake Athabasca, Alberta, Canada, 2001/149 - 05/29 at 18 :40 UTC
"The Chisholm fire, which began near a CN Rail line on May 23, 2001, destroyed 10 homes, a trapper’s cabin, 48 outbuildings and some vehicles, mostly in the hamlet of Chisholm, about 150 kilometres north of Edmonton (located in the municipal district of Lesser Slave River No. 124). There were no human lives lost in this fire.
Wind and dry conditions created extreme fire behaviour in the Chisholm fire, burning approximately 116 000 hectares of land – an area three times the size of the City of Edmonton.
The fire severely impacted the Hamlet of Chisholm through loss of property and disruption in the lives of residents. Additionally, the forest industry lost some 4.5 million cubic metres of growing stock and more 6300 hectares of regenerated cutblocks. The area’s oil and gas industry, railway and electrical infrastructure also experienced substantial losses. (Chisholm Fire Review Committee 2001)"
Government of Alberta. 2001 Chisholm Fire Report .
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