Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sensitivity of Climate to Solar variability

According to the data analysis by Scafetta and West (Physics Today), 'the Sun could account for as much as 69% of the increase in Earth's average temperature'. This article is based on Scafetta and West's previously published peer reviewed papers. It is well-known senario that green house gases are major reason of global warming after industrial revolution. The new view by Scafetta and West gives another possibility (or fact) of global warming.

"We contend that the changes in Earth’s average surface temperature are directly linked to two distinctly different aspects of the Sun’s dynamics: the short-term statistical fluctuations in the Sun’s irradiance and the longer-term solar cycles."

"The IPCC report concludesthat the contribution of solarvariability to global warming is negligible,to a certainty of 95%. It is reportedthat the “majority” believes the averagewarming observed since the beginningof the industrial era is due to the increasein anthropogenic greenhouse gasconcentrations in the atmosphere."

[after IPCC 4th report]

"The nonequilibrium thermodynamic models we used suggest that the Sun is influencing climate significantly more than the IPCC report claims."

[image from Scafetta and West, 2008]

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