Thursday, October 23, 2008

[Asia] Fires and Smoke near Yakutsk, Russia , 2001/07/19, 20

In the Sakha region of Siberia, at the eastern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau, numerous fires were burning near the city of Yakutsk, along the bank of the Lena River.
During the summer in the boreal forests of Russia, fires are generally ignited by lightning striking the surface (more details can be found in Evolving in the Presence of Fire).

2001/200 - 07/19 at 02 :40 UTC

It is worth noting how the smoke plumes are thicker in the afternnon scene.

2001/200 - 07/19 at 02:40 (up) & 04 :15 (down) UTC

2001/201 - 07/20 at 03 :20 UTC

2001/201 - 07/20 at 03 :20 UTC

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

[Asia] Haze from China, 2001/07/12

2001/193 - 07/12 at 02 :40 UTC

Haze is a generic term for visible air pollution, and can consist of dust, smoke, and other particulate matter. As China has grown as an economic power, air pollutants from industry and automobiles (mostly coal-fired or sulfur contained fuel) have increased dramatically. This has lead directly to increases in sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, soot, and other atmospheric pollutants. Haze plume over eastern China~the Gulf of Bohai (the center of the image with the port city of Tianjin nearits western shore) is clearly seen in this image. East-West haze plume obscures the coastline of Eastern China. Beijing (China´s capital and second largest city) is located in the upper left portion of the image.

[Asia] Fires in Sumatra, Indonesia, 2001/07/09

Terra/MODIS 2001/190 - 07/09 at 03 :59 UTC

Forest fires in July are famous guest on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
This MODIS image shows that the number of fires and emitting smokes.

SPOT 1 Image 9 July 2001

Excerpts: "The fires producing most of the smoke haze are in coastal peat swamp east of the River Barumun. The forest in this area, some 120 000 ha, has been unsustainably logged for many years and is now in the process of being cleared, using fire, for conversion to estate crops. These relatively minor haze events last from one to three weeks during a dry spell and come to an end with the onset of rain."

[S.America] Fires and Smoke over Brazil, 2001/06/12

2001/163 - 06/12 at 14 :15 UTC

Several fires in Mato Grosso State, Brazil are found. Fires emit smoke plume.
Green area is, in general, healthy vegetated area but light green land covers are deforested area.

[Asia] Fires and Haze in China, 2001/06/06

Lots of fires in China (red dots) are shown in this earlist Terra/MODIS imagery of aerosols over China.

2001/157 - 06/06 at 03 :05 UTC

[Asia] Dust storm in Southern Afghanistan, 2001/06/02, 11, 13

Afganistan is one of severe dust strom origins.

2001/153 - 06/02 at 06 :50 UTC

2001/162 - 06/11 at 06 :45 UTC

A Dust StormEngulfs Kandahar on May 13 , 2001

Sensitivity of Climate to Solar variability

According to the data analysis by Scafetta and West (Physics Today), 'the Sun could account for as much as 69% of the increase in Earth's average temperature'. This article is based on Scafetta and West's previously published peer reviewed papers. It is well-known senario that green house gases are major reason of global warming after industrial revolution. The new view by Scafetta and West gives another possibility (or fact) of global warming.

"We contend that the changes in Earth’s average surface temperature are directly linked to two distinctly different aspects of the Sun’s dynamics: the short-term statistical fluctuations in the Sun’s irradiance and the longer-term solar cycles."

"The IPCC report concludesthat the contribution of solarvariability to global warming is negligible,to a certainty of 95%. It is reportedthat the “majority” believes the averagewarming observed since the beginningof the industrial era is due to the increasein anthropogenic greenhouse gasconcentrations in the atmosphere."

[after IPCC 4th report]

"The nonequilibrium thermodynamic models we used suggest that the Sun is influencing climate significantly more than the IPCC report claims."

[image from Scafetta and West, 2008]

Saturday, October 18, 2008

[N.America] Fires in Alberta, Canada, 2001/05/28, 29

2001/148 - 05/28 at 17 :59 UTC

Lake Athabasca, Alberta, Canada, 2001/149 - 05/29 at 18 :40 UTC

"The Chisholm fire, which began near a CN Rail line on May 23, 2001, destroyed 10 homes, a trapper’s cabin, 48 outbuildings and some vehicles, mostly in the hamlet of Chisholm, about 150 kilometres north of Edmonton (located in the municipal district of Lesser Slave River No. 124). There were no human lives lost in this fire.
Wind and dry conditions created extreme fire behaviour in the Chisholm fire, burning approximately 116 000 hectares of land – an area three times the size of the City of Edmonton.
The fire severely impacted the Hamlet of Chisholm through loss of property and disruption in the lives of residents. Additionally, the forest industry lost some 4.5 million cubic metres of growing stock and more 6300 hectares of regenerated cutblocks. The area’s oil and gas industry, railway and electrical infrastructure also experienced substantial losses. (Chisholm Fire Review Committee 2001)"

Government of Alberta. 2001 Chisholm Fire Report .

[Australia] Fires in Northern Australia, 2001/05/28

2001/148 - 05/28 at 01 :48 UTC

"Fires of both natural and anthropogenic sources have progressively transformed the Australian environment. The anthropogenic fires have had a significant impact on the environment. Historically indigenous Australians have used fire to aid in hunting practices and to encourage the growth of edible plants. More recently the arrival of European settlers has resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of fires. This rapid shift in the fire regime has lead to the extinction ofspecies of flora and fauna, which were unable to adapt tosuch environmental change. The fire regimes of Australia arecontinually changing as humans persist in using fire as a tool to maintain landscapes." [Marsden et al., IEEE, 2001]

[N.America] Wildfires in Florida, 2001/05/19, 24

2001/139 - 05/19 at 16 :33 UTC

2001/144 - 05/24 at 16 :50 UTC

An 8,500-acre fire burning out of control led to the closing of a 10-mile section of highway.
The wind-driven fire near Polk City in central Florida had grown overnight from 2,000 acres and jumped to the south side of highway. Dense smoke from wildfires covered parts of Florida threatening to close highways but posing little immediate risk to homes or businesses.

[Asia] Dust storm in Southern Afghanistan, 2001/05/17, 19

2001/137 - 05/17 at 06 :50 UTC

2001/139 - 05/19 at 06 :40 UTC

A heavy dust strom occured over southern Afghanistan on May 17, 2001. The dust appears to be blowing out of the Sistan basin, which is on the Afghan-Iranian border. The Sistan basin is a vast complex of lakes and marshes fed by small streams and rivers flowing primarily from the mountainous highlands of Afghanistan.

[EU] Dust Plume over Eastern Mediterranean Sea, 2001/05/13

2001/133 - 05/13 at 08 :55 UTC

Springtime constitutes the most favorable period for Sahara dust outbreaks and transport over Eastern Mediterranean. The Terra/MODIS image on 13 May 2001 (08:55 UTC) shows the thick dust plume (as a yellow veil) is well depicted, being transported from Libya over the Eastern Mediterranean .

[Asia] Wildfires in Southeast Russia (Amur region), 2001/05/13

2001/133 - 05/13 at 02 :15 UTC
Irkutsk, 2001/148- 05/28 at 04:45 UTC

Krasnoyarsk region, Russia, 2001/149 - 05/29 at 05 :30 UTC

This image of Southeast Russia (Amur region) was acquired May 13, 2001, by the Terra/MODIS instrument. The smoke aerosols from forest fires (e.g. biomass burning aerosols) were continuously generated from fire locations (red dots). Normally, these smokes consists of carbon particles and absorb solar radiation.

[Asia] Haze over Korea on 2001/05/13

2001/133 - 05/13 at 02 :15 UTC
Hazes or smogs are a year round problem in China, and they can transport to the East. In this MODIS/Terra image from May 13,2001, hazy atmosphere by pollution aerosols covers China and North Korea.

[AFRICA] African Dust Strom on 2001/05/08

The west coast of Africa is shown in this 2001/128 - 05/08 at 12 :00 image taken by the MODIS instrument aboard NASA's Terra satellite. It is one of the earliest MODIS Gallery images of dust strom aerosols over Africa.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[F/W] Shock Utilities Download

A log of free utilities for office/multimedia/system/PDA software through the web page ( are downloadable. All the licenses in using software are free of charge but developer prohibit distribution method other than Internet.

[F/W] Linux commands in Windows

1. UnxUtil

Unxutil is a freeware for use of unix commands in window envrionment
More information is found in the link (

2. Cygwin

Cygwin shows a Linux-like environment for Windows but it is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.

[F/W] 1 Freeware a day !!

Everyday the web ( offer for FREE licensed software (not a trial, not a limited version) you’d have to buy otherwise!

For game giveaways check out Game Giveaway of the Day.

Gaseous Air Pollution Trends

Air pollution trends are well documented from the H. Akimoto's science paper, "The impact of global air pollution on climate and the environment is a new focus in atmospheric science. Intercontinental transport and hemispheric air pollution by ozone jeopardize agricultural and natural ecosystems worldwide and have a strong effect on climate. Aerosols, which are spread globally but have a strong regional imbalance, change global climate through their direct and indirect effects on radiative forcing. In the 1990s, nitrogen oxide emissions from Asia surpassed those from North America and Europe and should continue to exceed them for decades. International initiatives to mitigate global air pollution require participation from both developed and developing countries."

Figure 1 shows an example of the dramatic increase in air pollution in Asia over the lastquarter century (Akimoto, 2003). NOx emissions from North America and Europe have been nearly equal since the 1980s and decreasing trend after 1990 is thought to be due to stringent emission controls in Western European countries. In contrast, Asian emissions have increased rapidly.

Figure 1. Changes in anthropogenic NOx emissions over North America (United States and Canada), Europe (including Russia and the near and middle East), and Asia (East, Southeast, and South Asia) [from Akimoto, 2003].

Another sources are avaiable from the Nature paper written by A. Richter et al. (2005), they show NOx trends based on long-term (1996~2004) satellite measurements (GOME and SCIAMACHY).

"NOx is emitted from combustion processes and play a key part in the photochemically induced catalytic production of ozone, which results in summer smog and has increased levels of tropospheric ozone globally. Release of nitrogen oxide also results in nitric acid deposition, and—at least locally—increases radiative forcing effects due to the absorption of downward propagating visible light. Nitrogen oxide concentrations in many industrialized countries are expected to decrease, but rapid economic development has the potential to increase significantly the emissions of nitrogen oxides in parts of Asia."

Simmilar (with Akimoto's) results are shown that substantial reductions in NO2 over some areas of Europe and the USA, but a highly significant increase of about 50 per cent—with an accelerating trend in annual growth rate—over the industrial areas of China. Figure 2 shows the gradient obtained from a linear regression of the annual averages of tropospheric GOME NO2 vertical columns, retrieved close to 10.30 a.m. lt from 1996 to 2002 is shown. Reductions in NO2 are observed over Europe and the Central East Coast of the United States, while large increases are evident over China.

Figure 2. Average annual changes in tropospheric NO2 as observed by GOME from 1996 to 2002. [from Richter et al., 2005].

[AP] Introduction

Air pollution is originated from chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that can cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the environment.
It has a long-term record in the industrial nations and has become an increasing source of environmental degradation. Satellite remote sensing of air pollution has evolved dramatically over the last decade with the launches of various earth observaing satellites. Global or loacl scale observations are available for a wide range of species including atmospheric aerosols and gases (O3, NO2, CO, HCHO, SO2, etc). Applications of satellite observations are goin to be discussed and reported here for the visualization of the specific air pollution events and their application to public or scientific research.

[F/W] Notepad++

Notepad++ is a free smart source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Features of Notepad++ are;

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4. Multi-Document
5. Multi-View
6. Regular Expression Search/Replace supported
7. Full Drag ‘N' Drop supported
8. Dynamic position of Views
9. File Status Auto-detection
10. Zoom in and zoom out
11. Multi-Language environment supported
12. Bookmark
13. Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
14. Macro recording and playback

[F/W] Speed up, restore, jazz-up

Three utilities downloadable from Auslogics helps to speed up computer, restore lost files and jazz up desktops.

1. Disk Defrag Util : This is window optimizer which will speed up your computer and Internet connection.

2. Emergency Recovery :a simple recovery util to restore accidentally deleted files or those files deleted by virus attacks and software faults.

3. Auslogics Visual Styler : replace standard desktop icons with one of the incredible icon packs from this web site.

[Tutorials] IDL user guides for beginner ~ intermediate level.

IDL (Interactive Data Language) is a widely used general purpose on scientific data analysis and visualization package. With IDL, one can handle huge amound of datasets, create various graphs, and visualize 2 and 3-D data using plots, contours, iso-surfaces and slices. Also, IDL has image processing capabilities such as smoothing, sharpening and thresholding. For the begining of the user's first step, lots of IDL tutorials are found from IDL expert's webpages. I'd like to introduces some helpful links to IDL beginner.

1. Complete list of Frequently Asked Questions about the IDL is shown in JHU IDL web page.
This site provides useful answers about IDL related 'what' and 'how' problems.

2. Basic tutorials by Hugh Pumphrey's "an introduction of IDL" note.

3. Well documented and illustrated online IDL tutorial by UMN supercomputing institute is appropriated to the beginner.

4. A good starting point to using IDL is the guide written by NCAS-CMS - 'An Introduction to Using IDL in Meteorology

...More will be added

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

[F/W] Portable Util provides useful portable freeware utilities.

1. System Spec : Produce a detailed specification of your computer's Hardware and capabilities.

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3. Optical Info : detect the optical drive's (CD / DVD drives) Read/Write capabilities.

4. DBF Viewer Plus: View and edit DBF files. Tables can be searched and filtered by field values

5. Color Seizer : Picks colours from the screen or the colour dialog and displays them in different formats such as HTML, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++, RGB and HSL.

6. Email Link Encoder: To prevent internet spiders from picking up an email address from a website.

7. MDB Viewer Plus : View, edit, query and search Access MDB files with this tabbed viewer plus editor.

8. Device Info : A simple utility for listing all your PC's devices and their driver version.

9. Enable / Disable Windows XP Firewall : A simple utility to simplify the process of enabling and disabling the Windows XP Firewall.

10. VAT calculator :A simple freeware downloadable VAT calculator.

11. CD Key Seizer : recover you CD key for Windows for the purposes of reinstalling / repairing your Windows setup.

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13. Runtime Library :

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Flash Player 7 : flashplayer7_winax.exe
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Visual Fox Pro 7 :
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ASPI : aspi_471a2.exe
DCOM95 : dcom95.exe
DCOM98 : dcom98.exe
JAVA 2 : j2re-1_4_0_03-windows-i586.exe
Microsoft Data Access Components: MDAC_TYP28.EXE
WMI Core runtime :wmicore.EXE

[F/W] Unknown Driver

"UnknownDevices V1.4.18" helps to find or add device driver which is not automatically added by system .

[F/W] Memtest86 v3.32

Download : (for source/iso), (for windows)

Memtest86 is freeware RAM tester.
Generall reasons of the "Blue screen" on your monitor are memry/graphic or IRQ errors.
Especially, the memory error shows the error message, 'stop : 0x0000007F 0x0000000D 0x00000000, 0x00000000 0x00000000 '.
In this case, cleaning the memory card or graphic card could be helpful.
And Memtest86 also helps to test the memory card ability.

Monday, October 13, 2008

[SubRT] Sun Position

To calculate sun position, which is important to calculate radiative trasfer, calculates
solar position information as a function of geographic coordinates, date and time.
Calculated solar zenith angle at mid latitude region (lat=35N, lon=130E) as a function of hour (UTC) on Jan 1 (solid line) and Jun 20 (dashed line), respectively.

[Function] Plot Symbol

IDL's default symbols are not enough to represent express geo-data information. which is contained in IDL ASTRO Library is useful in this sense.
Below figure is an example of plotsym, stars and circle can be generated from calling of plotsym.

[SubRT] GSHHS, High Resolution Shoreline Database

Subroutine: by Liam Gumley's IDL web page.
Data : NOAA National Geophysical Data Center(NGDC)

High resolution map provided in IDL sometimes dose not looks so high enough.

NOAA/NGDC's Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline (GSHHS) database from high resolution satellite observation show perfect for mapping of local scale data mapping. Look at the following figures comparing (left) shoreline from IDL's default map and (right) that from GSHHS. Advantage of GSHHS is that it can fill islands but IDL's cannot.

(Figure from IDL Korean user's group)

For use of GSHHS,

1. download GSHHS database files from NOAA/NGDC or Liam's web and extract them.

gshhs_f.b : Full Resolution, gshhs_h.b : High Resolution, gshhs_i.b : Intermediate Resolution (simmilar to IDL's high resolution map) gshhs_l.b : Low Resolution(simmilar to IDL's low resolution map)

2. copy them to IDL's library folder.

Reference; Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith (1996), A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline Database, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 8741-8743.

[Aerosol] Cutting air pollution in cities may raise global temps, says scientist

"Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, warns that cleaning air in Beijing and in other large cities suffering from pollution problems by limiting car and power-plant emissions may raise global temperatures instead of lowering them. He also said a drop of aerosols, which have a cooling effect on the Earth, could cause a "rapid" rise in temperatures. A rise in temperature because of declines in aerosols in the atmosphere can be offset by slashing CO2 emmissions"

Is this true ?
Symply, aerosols can reflect incomming solar radiation and cool the earth's surface. However absorbing aerosols, such as black carbon or dust, can absorb solar radiation, which leads to heating of atmosphere. His argue is irony becuse over the large meagacities, mainly urban polluted aerosols are composed of these absorbing particles.

More readings are;
Satheesh & Ramanathan (2000), Large differences in tropical aerosol forcing at the top of the atmosphere and Earth's surface, Nature 405, 60-63, doi:10.1038/35011039

Jacobson, M.Z. (2001), Strong radiative heating due to the mixing state of black carbon in atmospheric aerosols, Nature 409, 695-697, doi:10.1038/35055518

Andreae, M.O. (2001), The dark side of aerosols, Nature 409, 671-672, doi:10.1038/35055640

[Africa] 'Greening of the Sahel' by L. Olsson

The Sahel region in Africa, in place of drought, famine, and political crisisis, is the one of interesting place of the globe because of a dynamic ecosystem by climatic variability and human exploitation of biospheric resources. While the scientific debate about the climatology of the droughts in Sahel is still ongoing, results from analysis of different types of satellite- and ground-based data has been generated long term series measurements of vegetation that can be used as proxies for understating the dynamics of variability of the Sahel's environment. A number of studies using these and other data have shown the close coupling among rainfall, land use and primary production in the Sahel.

Potential causes of the greening of the Sahel are ;
1. The increase of greenness in some areas can be explained by increasing rainfall.
2. Human activities such as agricultural or migration are possible factor.

Olsson also answered the question "Is the observed greening a recovery from droughts?".

"Several factors make it impossible to claim that the greening of the Sahel may signal some sort of recovery. “Recovery” implies a return to conditions that existed at some assumed equilibrium point in the past. Regaining comparable greenness after a drought may not mean comparable conditions in terms of vegetation or human well-being. During times of drought, vegetation cover declines which may be accompanied with changes in species composition. Often, these changes are accompanied by changes in soil properties and a new equilibrium point may be established. As a result, when rains return, there is no reason to expect conditions to revert to their original state. Thus, increasing greenness may mean more vegetation, but not necessarily a recovery."

The original full article can be found out here.

[SubRT] Converts Gregorian dates to Julian days


; PURPOSE: Converts Gregorian dates to Julian days
; INPUTS: YR = Year (integer); MN = Month (integer 1-12); DAY = Day (integer 1-31);
; HR = Hours and fractions of hours of universal time (U.T.)
; OUTPUTS: JULIAN = Julian date (double precision)
; EXAMPLE: To find the Julian Date at 1978 January 1, 0h (U.T.)
; IDL> JDCNV, 1978, 1, 1, 0., JULIAN
; will give JULIAN = 2443509.5
; REVISON HISTORY:; Converted to IDL from Don Yeomans Comet Ephemeris Generator,
; B. Pfarr, STX, 6/15/88; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997

if N_params() LT 5 then begin
print,'Syntax - JDCNV, yr, mn, day, hr, julian
print,' yr - Input Year (e.g. 1978), scalar or vector
print,' mn - Input Month (1-12), scalar or vector
print,' day - Input Day (1-31), scalar or vector
print,' hr - Input Hour (0-24), scalar or vector
print,' julian - output Julian date'
yr = long(yr) & mn = long(mn) & day = long(day) ;Make sure integral
L = (mn-14)/12 ;In leap years, -1 for Jan, Feb, else 0
julian = day - 32075l + 1461l*(yr+4800l+L)/4 + $
367l*(mn - 2-L*12)/12 - 3*((yr+4900l+L)/100)/4
julian = double(julian) + (HR/24.0D) - 0.5D

Friday, October 10, 2008

[SubRT] Easy 2D Contour Plot

David Pace, graduate student at UCLA, made a nice IDL SR for contour plot. is very useful and easy to use.

Some examples are showing here.

Fig. 1: Example contour illustrating axis labels and colorbar.
The command to produce this contour is,
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, /cbar
where input (two dimensional array), xaxis (one dimensional array), and yaxis (one dimensional array) were IDL variables.

Fig. 2: Contour example illustrating use of the axis labels, colorbar, and overplot settings.
The command to produce this contour is,
IDL> conmake, input, xaxis, yaxis, 256, xlab=2, ylab=2, overp=opinput
where opinput is a two dimensional array. The array to be overplotted should have the same scaling with the x and y axes as the main contour so that a sensible output results.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

[SubRT] Simple 2D Contour-Map

A nice blogger, Atmoz released the free open IDL source code (thanks!), CONTOUR_ON_MAP.PRO.

The code can be broken down into the following sections:
Below pretty figures are exmaples of the principan component analysis of the last ~50 years of winter geopotential height anomalies by Atmoz.

Orthographic Projection:

Mercator Projection:

Sinusoidal Interrupted Mollweide Projection:

[SubRT] Colorbar

Anyone who have had a trouble with making a beautiful graphic with one's own data, must visit the website of David Fanning. The web will give a lot of help.
One of useful subroutine is '' (courtesy D. Fanning) to insert colorbar to the graphic imagery.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

[SubRT] Mie Scattering Cacluation

Figure. Example of Mie Scattering of Single Dielectric Sphere (Dielectric:78nm, Wavelength:633 nm) (image from Havard Univ. Xie group)

IDL subroutin, can compute MIE scattering theory based on the fortran code from Bohren & Huffman (1983).

Another code, can compute Mie/Rayleigh scattering cross section.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

[Function] Air Mass Calculation

Function AirMass, Angle
; ********************************************************

; IDL Function to calculate air mass ; *********************************************************
; Air Mass = COS(Sun Zenith Angle or Sensor View Angle)
; 2008. 10. 4
; WRITTEN BY Kwon H. Lee (
IF(Angle GE 60.0) THEN begin

endif ELSE begin
return, Amass


Monday, October 6, 2008

New begging of EnViP

The objectives of Environmental Visualization Project (EnViP) are to provide imagery, animations and graphic design related with various environemental issues to the public and science researchers. To share the data analysis technique is also important to attain this purpose.